
How organizations cater to Millennials

By Mark Edgar


By 2025, the much discussed Millennial generation will make up 75 per cent of the workforce, making it more important than ever for businesses to ensure this group has what they need to succeed and stay “in the game.” They are an important community of change-makers that should not be overlooked. For HR professionals, this means that enabling a culture of adaptability and openness, while ensuring the employee experience is front and centre, should be priority number one.

Principles for success

By Heather Fraser

Innovation is a top priority for every enterprise that wants to not only thrive in today’s economic landscape, but also survive through constant change. Some think innovation is risky, but the reality is that not innovating is the bigger risk.

The future of diversity in the legal profession

By Michael Bach

The way Canada “looks” has changed. According to Statistics Canada, women make up just shy of 50 per cent of the available workforce; 25 per cent of Canadians identify as racialized (people who are not Caucasian in their ethnocultural heritage) and that number skyrockets to over 50 per cent in cities like Toronto and Vancouver; one in five Canadians

Skip the trends and use a values-driven approach to reinforce organizational culture

By Matt Brown

Considering buying a Ping-Pong table or installing craft beer taps to dazzle both current and prospective talent? Think again. While some of these trends are undoubtedly fun, they’re likely to fall flat in the long run if they aren’t consistent with your company’s overall culture. As HR leaders, we always want to tie our benefits to our organization’s overall values to ensure they serve a deeper meaning and exert a positive influence on engagement.

The link between employee training and corporate culture, and how that impacts your customer base

By Belika Stein

After a year and a half of dedicated training and eating right, 21-year-old Jamie Kraig had gone from a size 18 to a size 8. Ready to purchase a pair Lululemon pants that until now she “never felt she deserved,” Kraig confidently walked into a Lululemon retail store in Ohio.

“I transformed my body, and therefore transformed my selfesteem,” said Kraig.

Having tried on a pair she liked, she then received unsolicited feedback from store staff.

Five steps to align leadership with your brand values

By William A. Schiemann, Ph.D.

Metrus Institute, Towers Watson and PwC, among others, report increasing difficulty attracting and retaining the best talent. In some markets – such as the San Francisco Bay area, with three per cent or less unemployment – there is an adrenaline pumped competition for good talent. Many firms are increasingly looking to their employer brand to help them land talent.