Shaking it Up
By Jenn Miller
The benefits of workforce diversity have been extolled
time and time again. Diverse thinking, different skill
sets, fresh new outlooks and various experiences all make
workforce diversity a key component in achieving organi-zational
outcomes. However, managing a diverse workforce isn’t
without challenges. With the abolition of mandatory retirement
ages, many workers are choosing to remain in the workforce
longer. HR professionals now have the unique challenge of
having to manage multiple generations at once. Today’s work-force
could potentially have workers from one or more of five
generations, including:
■■ Traditionalists, born before 1945 (73 years old +)
■■ Baby Boomers, born 1946 to 1964
■■ Generation X, born 1965 to 1980
■■ Millennials (Gen Y), born 1981 to 1995
You may even be starting to welcome some members of
Generation Z, born 1996 or later (22 years old and younger).
A worker is a worker, right? Not so fast. While there is some truth
to the statement, workers do display generational differences.
This doesn’t mean that one gets the job done better than another.
However, it definitely impacts how they interact at work.
talent management
Traditionalists are quiet, loyal and self-sacrificing. Although many
have retired, some remain in the workforce. They grew up during
the great depression and lived through a World War. Traditionalists
tend to share some key work characteristics, such as being:
■■ Compliant
■■ Detail oriented
■■ Hard working
■■ Frugal
■■ Risk averse
■■ Long term focused
■■ Loyal
Baby boomers, or “boomers” grew up in a time of optimism. They
are career-focused and they have deep loyalties. They believe in
starting at the bottom and working their way up. For the most
part, baby boomers are set to start retiring. As baby boomers rep-resent
such a large percentage of the working demographic, their
retirement will leave labour shortages. Baby boomers tend to share
some key work characteristics, such as being:
■■ Driven
■■ Good team players
■■ Competitive
■■ Relationship focused
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