The research also revealed that more than half of workers (54
per cent) said their typical lunch break lasts 30 minutes or less. Of
that group, seven per cent take no break at all.
“Even on the busiest days, it’s important for professionals to
maximize the time they’re given for lunch and try to step away
from their desks to refresh and refocus for the afternoon,” said
Koula Vasilopoulos, a district president for OfficeTeam. “Rather
than defaulting to cell phones or other screen time for company,
using a midday break to connect with colleagues can help culti-vate
a greater feeling of camaraderie and overall happiness at work.
Five tips for workers to maximize lunch breaks:
Continued on page 12
of choice will become increasingly important to retain top
performers and attract new talent.
■■ Formalizing HR policies to put the business on a more solid
footing. Strong HR policies facilitate hiring, improve retention
and reduce legal and reputational risks, among other benefits.
The research shows that firms with strong HR policies also
outperform their peers.
■■ Hiring workers from under-represented segments of the labour
force, notably newcomers.
■■ Improving operational efficiency, using such tools as key perfor-mance
indicators, dashboards and process maps, automating
processes and leveraging technologies.
Most Canadian workers spend their lunch breaks ‘screened-in,’
new research from staffing firm OfficeTeam suggests. While 45
per cent of professionals said they do socialize with colleagues
at lunch, 49 per cent most frequently surf the internet or social
media and 38 per cent catch up on personal calls or emails.
Thirty-two per cent of professionals confessed to working dur-ing
their break.
wavebreakmediamicro / 123RF Stock Photo
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