letter from the editor
Shaping the
“The best way to predict the future is to create it,”
according to expert words-of-wisdom creators
Abraham Lincoln and Peter Drucker. But how
does it apply to human resources?
If you recall, a few short months ago the March/April issue
of HR Professional focused on Big Data applications in
HR. Peter Smit, the author of that issue’s cover story, wrote
that organizations must recognize that Big Data is a tool to
provide new or better insight into their operations, which
will enable more strategic decision-making down the line. In
effect, gathering and examining HR data should be a major
indicator and influencer for the future.
But collecting and storing data on everything from employee
personal information, recruiting efforts, workforce
diversity and more requires the use of a fairly robust system.
So, as a follow-up to our Big Data issue, we decided that the
September issue of HR Professional should provide a more
in-depth look at systems capable of handling and sorting all
of this data. Human resources information systems (HRIS)
are powerful tools built to facilitate better handling of HR
data. Choosing the right system for you and implementing
it in your own organization is no easy feat – flip to our cover
story, written by Louise Chalupiak, starting on page 16.
With the arrival of September brings a brand new
Editorial Advisory Board for HR Professional magazine. I’d
like to thank the previous board for all of their help and guidance
over the last two years – it’s been a lot of fun learning from
you. I’m very excited to work with the new panel of experts,
who are now listed in our updated masthead to the right.
As always, I’m looking forward to your feedback – feel
free to call or email me any time, or tweet to @HRProMag.
You can now view and share the September digital edition
on hrpatoday.ca.
Happy reading,
Jill Harris
jharris@lesterpublications.com ■
Editor: Jill Harris | Publisher: Sean Davis
Managing Editor: Duff McCutcheon, HRPA
Legal Editor: Malcolm MacKillop, Shields O’Donnell MacKillop LLP
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Vice President, Marketing, Membership & Learning: Chris Larsen
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs: Claude Balthazard, PhD, CHRL
Vice President, Public Affairs: Scott Allinson
As the premier HR association in Canada, HRPA is internationally recognized and sought
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28 chapters in Ontario, HRPA connects its membership to an unmatched range of HR
information resources, events, professional development and networking opportunities.
HR PROFESSIONAL is published eight times per year for the
Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA).
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Email: info@lesterpublications.com | www.lestercommunications.ca
President: Jeff Lester
Vice President & Publisher: Sean Davis
Editorial Director: Jill Harris
Editorial Assistant: Andrew Harris
Quinn Bogusky, Michael Collins, Rob Holt, Nancy Kantor, Colleen McDonald,
Louise Peterson, Darryl Sawchuk, Cathy Zimmerman
Art Director: Myles O’Reilly
Crystal Carrette, Jessica Landry, John Lyttle, Gayl Punzalan
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Jason Beeho, Rubin Thomlinson LLP
Dean Bulloch, MBA, CHRE,
School of Business & Hospitality,
Conestoga College Institute
Cheryl Fullerton, Maple Leaf Foods
Julie Giraldi, Ontario Hospital Association
John Hamovitch, Intelex Technologies
Paul Klein, Impakt
Claudette Knight, Meridian
Charles Marful, Ernst & Young
Nan Oldroyd, Loblaw
Anthony Papa, Federal-Mogul Motorparts
Laura L. Randell, B.A., CHRE, SEEC
Schulich School of Business
Jose Tolovi Neto, Great Place
to Work® Canada