cover feature
present and experienced. Know that working
on an HRIS/HRMS implementation
will be a full-time role for the functional
subject matter experts. Consideration
needs to be given as to how the operational
roles will be backfilled while your employees
are busy with the implementation.
Corporate HR policies will need to be
completed and signed off so that they can
be used as the configuration detail. If these
are not in place, very lengthy delays will
likely be experienced while this information
is gathered, debated and approved.
Decisions will need to be made as to the
amount of historical data that will be migrated
to the new system. While it can be
great to have all of your data in one place,
there’s a large time requirement to complete
this task. If you’re planning to use
a SaaS vendor, ensure that research is
made as to any additional costs. If you
choose to host your system internally,
decisions will need to be made as to any
necessary history and if archived systems
will be required.
It’s exciting to move to a fully integrated
system. However, ensure that
modules are implemented that meet the
needs of the organizational requirements.
Each module will come with its own set of
challenges and risks. You don’t need to implement
modules that you don’t currently
require; these can be added in later phases
should they eventually be required.
If you are going to work with an outside
organization, allow yourself two months
for contract negotiations. They seldom
take less and they often take more. It’s
important that the result is a win-win between
yourself and your chosen partner.
You want them to be around for a long
time and you need to respect that they will
be a profit maximizing organization.
As a final note, HRIS/HRMS implementations
functionally demanding and time consuming.
There’s a magnitude of tasks that
need to be undertaken prior to engaging
in this type of initiative. In addition,
seasoned management and committed executives
are a requirement, as is the need
for either internal resources experienced
in implementations of this magnitude or a
vendor partner who understands your requirements
and carefully addresses each of
them. n
Louise Chalupiak is a senior project manager
and facilitator with more than 25 years of
progressive business experience.
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