Nadia Zaman is an associate at
Rudner Law in Toronto; prior to
joining Rudner Law, she articled
at a leading, national full-service
Toronto firm, working on employ-ment
law files. Zaman believes that
employment law is the perfect nex-us
between business, law and people,
which is why she was drawn to it. As
an employment lawyer, she can provide strategic advice to em-ployers
on minimizing liability as well as advocate on behalf of
employees to improve their working lives. Zaman was called to the
Ontario bar in June 2016. Read the article she wrote about harass-ment
and damages in the workplace, starting on page 13.
Kim Tabac is the chief talent officer
at Deloitte Canada. With over 20
years of human resources experience
in both the private and public sec-tors,
Tabac has a proven track record
of leading large business and cultur-al
transformations. She is passionate
about building inclusive, high-per-forming
HR teams that produce
impactful talent solutions and people strategies to drive business
results. Read her article about building truly inclusive organiza-tions
and Deloitte’s groundbreaking new study on diversity and
inclusion, Outcomes Over Optics, starting on page 22.
Cris Brady is a speaker, writer and
award-winning learning consultant.
She works directly with managers,
HR and educators to help them cre-ate
inclusive working and learning
environments for people with autism,
ADHD and learning differences,
using strategies that benefit all em-ployees
and students involved. Brady
is the founder of LYV Educational Consulting. She holds a mas-ter’s
degree in inclusive education and has been changing learning
environments for over 15 years in England, Australia, Canada and
the U.S. Three years ago, Brady was asked to work directly with the
Canadian Military Family Resource Centre to provide neurodiver-sity
workshops to military members and their families. In 2018, she
will be working directly with the U.S. Military Family Services, cre-ating
online workshops. Her work in various colleges across Canada
has helped professors create better programming for apprentic-es
of all trades to achieve more effective learning outcomes. Read
her article about neurodiversity in the interview process, starting
on page 31.
Dr. James Aw is the chief medi-cal
officer at Medcan, overseeing
the physician team, clinical pro-tocols,
medical programs and is
involved with strategic research and
business development. His inter-ests
are in occupational, preventive
and travel medicine. He is a regu-lar
columnist for the National Post
and Huffington Post and a member of the National Corporate
Medical Associates of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
in New York. Aw is a graduate of the University of Ottawa School
of Medicine and diplomate in occupational health and safety
from McMaster University. He is a member of the McLaughlin
Oversight Committee, University of Toronto (2016-2019) that
provides oversight on research and innovation initiatives at the
University of Toronto. Read his article about how to enhance em-ployee
health in 2018 on page 33.
Zach Mercurio is an internation-al
speaker, trainer and purpose
and meaningful work consultant.
He is the founder and author of, a popular blog
on purposeful leadership, work and
life. He is a researcher and adjunct
faculty at Colorado State University
in Fort Collins, Colo. His latest
book is called The Invisible Leader: Transform Your Life, Work, and
Organization with the Power of Authentic Purpose. Read Mercurio’s
article on three powerful ways to give employees purpose, starting
on page 37. n