Krista Kais-Prial is an associate
at Israel Foulon LLP and advises
and represents both employees and
employers on a broad array of issues
including workplace policies and
procedures, disability legislation,
employment standards, hiring and
compensation, workplace investi-gations,
human rights, harassment,
accommodation, employment agreements, wrongful dismissals
and severance packages. Kais-Prial speaks regularly at educational
seminars for colleges, not-for-profits and legal continuing educa-tion
programs on topics related to workers’ rights, employment
standards, women in the workplace and gender diversity. Read the
article she wrote for this edition’s Legal Words column about how
employers can properly accommodate chronic illness in the work-place,
starting on page 11.
Ching Mac has been living in the
Greater Toronto Area for more than
25 years and earned an engineer-ing
degree from Queen’s University
in Kingston, Ont. With more than
15 years of experience in the infor-mation
technology field, Mac was
an IT and software sales consultant
and account executive prior to join-ing
Citrix. Today, he is responsible for the overall management of
commercial business across the entire Citrix product portfolio,
leading teams focused on field and channel engagement with end
customers. He has been at Citrix for 13 years, previously holding
several leadership positions on the Canadian management team.
Read his article discussing HR’s role in cybersecurity, starting on
page 29.
Mark Edgar joined RSA in January
2011 in the role of vice president
of human resources with over-all
responsibility for HR across all
companies within RSA Canada.
Previously, he was based in the U.K.
as head of human resources within
Centrica Plc, a major energy com-pany
operating in the U.K. under
the British Gas brand. Edgar has also worked for BSkyB, a TV,
broadband and phone company, in an HR role responsible for
their operational business units and customer facing teams. He
holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree in management sci-ences
from the University of Warwick and is a member of the
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Read the arti-cle
he wrote about how organizations cater to Millennials, starting
on page 31.
Jenn Miller is the curriculum
development coordinator for
Occupational Safety Group (OSG)
in London, Ont. She has a Bachelor
of Arts degree in literature from the
University of Western Ontario and
has more than a decade of curric-ulum
development experience. She
is responsible for creating and edit-ing
various forms of health and safety content for OSG. Her
professional goal at OSG is to make health and safety informa-tion
accessible so that workers return home to loved ones each and
every day. Read the article she wrote about the employer’s role in
domestic abuse and domestic violence, starting on page 33.
Dr. Geoff Soloway is co-founder and
chief training officer at MindWell-U.
The company delivers in-person
and online mindfulness training
to large and small organizations
across North America, including
Harvard Law School, the Province
of Newfoundland and Labrador,
WestJet, Halton Healthcare and
more. Read the article Soloway wrote about what mindfulness is
and how it’s sure to be a big topic in the workplace moving for-ward,
starting on page 35.