Motor vehicle incidents are the leading cause of workplace fatali-ties
in Ontario. For many workers across the province, the streets
are their workplace. Whether they deliver products, walk to a
meeting, drive to a job site or just pick up lunch for a client meet-ing,
they are travelling for work. Business owners in Ontario
whose workers travel on the job are responsible for their safety.
The En Route to Safety program offers Ontario businesses
free resources and online training for workers who drive, walk or
cycle on the job. En Route to Safety is a non-profit program cre-ated
by Wilfrid Laurier University’s Safety, Health, Environment
& Risk Management (SHERM) department, and funded though
the Ontario Ministry of Labour’s Occupational Health and Safety
Prevention Innovation Program. The program also partnered with
Ontario municipalities, police services, private businesses and
health and safety professionals who donated time, multi-media
materials and expertise.
The program includes:
■■ An employer guidebook: How to Create a Traffic Safety Program
– Your 8-Step Plan
■■ Three online training modules for workers who drive, walk or
cycle on the job
Stephanie Kibbee, director of SHERM, says the guidebook
was created for Ontario business owners who may not have for-mal
health and safety training or a dedicated safety person on staff.
“The goal was to take these somewhat complex, specialized
health and safety processes and break them down into accessi-ble
steps employers can apply directly to their workplaces,” said
Kibbee. “The hope is that our guidebook – when combined
with the employee training – will provide a solid foundation for
Ontario business owners to really give traffic safety the attention it
deserves in the workplace.”
For more information, visit enroutetosafety.ca. n
philipus / 123RF Stock Photo
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