An employee who can’t keep up with work takes a heavier toll on
a business than some may think, new research suggests. Global
staffing firm Robert Half recently asked CFOs in Canada to
estimate how much time is spent coaching underperforming
employees. The answer: 21 per cent of working hours, on average
– that’s just over eight hours out of a 40-hour workweek. Finance
executives also acknowledged that hiring mistakes negatively affect
team morale.
“When it comes to establishing and maintaining a collaborative,
productive and engaged work environment, the right employees
make all the difference. Unfortunately, so can the wrong ones,” said
Greg Scileppi, president of Robert Half, International Staffing
Operations. “A comprehensive hiring strategy is key to preventing
business priorities and employee resources from being sidelined by
an inadequate or incompatible team member. Implement a recruit-ment
process that puts equal onus on assessing for both technical
skills and cultural fit, to ensure candidates have the expertise to
excel in the role, and also align with company values and goals
from day one.”
Here are hiring best practices from Robert Half:
1. Use a multi-pronged approach. Most employers post
open positions on job boards and wait to be flooded with
applications. Maximize your chances of hiring a top performer
by using multiple strategies:
■■ Ask for employee referrals
■■ Tap your network
■■ Work with a recruiter
2. Hire for fit. New hires should have the technical chops to do
the job well, but don’t forget to assess how various candidates
may fit within your team and corporate culture.
3. Offer above-average compensation. Job seekers with stellar
skills know what they’re worth, so pay is not the place to
skimp. Consult resources like the 2018 Robert Half Salary
Guides for insights on starting salaries, hiring trends, benefits
and perks.
4. Don’t skip the reference check. Nobody loves calling strangers
to get information, but the reference check is still one of the
best ways to ensure potential employees are who they say they
are, especially since resumé lies are on the rise.
viktor88 / 123RF Stock Photo
The saying goes that a company is only as good as the people it
keeps. But what if those people aren’t fully engaged in their duties?
According to research from staffing firm Accountemps, workers
are disengaged at their jobs more than one-quarter (28 per cent)
of the time, on average, leaving the door open to lost productivity,
low morale and turnover.
Respondents ages 18 to 34 said better perks (53 per cent) would
help their motivation most at the office, followed by more chal-lenging
work (36 per cent).
“Engaged workers set the tone for a more positive, collabora-tive
and productive organization at every level,” said David King,
Canadian president of Accountemps. “Cultivating employee com-mitment
should be an ongoing priority for business leaders.
Establish an open dialogue with your staff to learn what motivates
them; allow them flexibility to explore new ideas and challenges in
a culture that promotes their wellbeing, therefore encouraging a
more satisfied and loyal workforce.”
dolgachov / 123RF Stock Photo