Allison E. MacIsaac is an associate lawyer at Hicks Morley’s Toronto office and currently
practices in all areas of labour and employment law. MacIsaac provides advice and repre-sentation
to employers and management on a wide range of labour and employment issues,
including labour disputes, grievance arbitrations, wrongful dismissals, employment stan-dards,
employment contracts, human rights and accommodation and occupational health
and safety. Read the article she wrote about what employers need to know about accommo-dating
the use of medical marijuana in the workplace, starting on page 13.
Joti Samra is a registered psychologist with a clinical practice, and pursues a full spec-trum
of research, consulting and educational activities in the field of workplace health.
She is the lead developer of Guarding Minds @ Work (GM@W): A Workplace Guide to
Psychological Safety and Health, an innovative online resource used by employers to ad-dress
psychosocial threats in the work environment and was a member of the Technical
Committee that developed Canada’s first National Standard on Psychological Health & Safety
in the Workplace. She is also the principal developer of Managing Emotions, a set of online,
interactive assessment and training resources that strengthen the interpersonal competence
and emotional intelligence skills of managers. Dr. Samra serves as an expert advisor on a
number of provincial and national steering committees in the area of workplace psycho-logical
health. Read the article she wrote about the evolving role of HR professionals in
supporting workplace mental health, starting on page 18.
Patrick Culhane, B.Comm., CAE, FCPA, FCMA, is the president and CEO of the
Canadian Payroll Association (CPA). The CPA is the source for Canadian payroll compli-ance
information and offers compliance resources and training programs for HR, payroll
and accounting professionals. The CPA continues to advocate for more efficient and effec-tive
payroll legislation on behalf of employers, government and the general public. Read
Culhane’s article about what HR professionals need to know regarding upcoming changes
to the Canada Pension Plan, starting on page 35.
Leigh Stringer is a senior workplace expert for EYP Architecture & Engineering and is re-searching
employee health and productivity in conjunction with the Harvard School of
Public Health, the Center for Active Design and other leading organizations. She lives
in Washington, D.C., and is the author of a new book, The Healthy Workplace: How to
Improve the Well-Being of Your Employee – and Boost Your Company’s Bottom Line. Read the
article she wrote about eight bad workplace habits that should be banned to promote opti-mal
employee health, starting on page 37.