Yafa Sakkejha is the general manager of The Beneplan Co-operative, a mutual insurance
buying group. All profits of the co-operative are distributed as patronage dividends to mem-ber-
owners, so there is an incentive to ensure benefits costs are stable. Sakkejha has worked
in the benefits field for over 10 years and has experience starting and maintaining small busi-nesses
in Canada. Read her article about the ways in which employee turnover affects group
benefits costs, starting on page 29.
Wendy Cukier is vice president of research and innovation at Ryerson and the founder of
the Diversity Institute. A leading expert on emerging technology, she is co-author of the best
seller, Innovation Nation. She chairs the working group of the Ontario Centre for Workforce
Innovation. Beginning in September 2016, she will be president of Brock University. Read the
article she wrote about how to bridge the skills gap between university students and grads and
potential employers, starting on page 35.
Tonya Lanthier is a registered dental hygienist (RDH) and the founder of In
her role as a RDH, she had a front-row seat to see what worked, and what didn’t, to attract
and maintain a top-notch, high-performing team and create a dynamic, motivating office cul-ture.
Based on her knowledge of the industry, passion for the profession and dedication to
eliminating friction and barriers between dental employers and job seekers, Lanthier launched
DentalPost in 2005, now a leading online and mobile job platform for the dental industry.
Read the article she wrote about hiring by the numbers, starting on page 37.