contents VOLUME 33 / NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2016
Fixing Our Blind Spots................................................ 18
Improving cultural competency can help organizations
and individuals take implicit biases out of the
talent-management equation
The Professionalization of Diversity
and Inclusion................................................................ 22
A national standard for a critical Canadian business priority
Meet the HR Influencers............................................ 44
Denise Hayes
Letter from the Editor.................................................... 6
Leadership Matters....................................................... 9
A different take on HR professionalism
Upfront........................................................................... 11
The latest HR news
Legal Words.................................................................. 15
How employers can mitigate risks associated with
terminations for cause
Talent Management ................................................... 31
Helping older workers navigate their careers
Technology ................................................................... 33
HR and the digital transformation
Recruitment ................................................................. 35
Hiring for fit vs. diversity
Health & Wellness...................................................... 37
Avoiding digital eye strain
Business........................................................................ 39
New calculators estimate disability costs
Career Paths................................................................. 41
Catharine Sanko: Pension/benefits specialist
Off the Shelf.................................................................. 47
What’s worth reading
The Last Word.............................................................. 48
Spending more time with employees
HRPA Legal Guide....................................................... 31
Every person carries certain biases, but
we don’t always know exactly what our
own biases are. These “blind spots” have
critical consequences in an organization.
This issue of HR Professional focuses on
implicit, or hidden, biases, and how HR
professionals can begin to realize and
address the biases they may not even be
aware they have. Read the cover story,
starting on page 18.
Cover photo: Maryna Pleshkun/ HRPATODAY.CA ❚ JANUARY 2016 ❚ 3