hr influencer
■■ First job: Taking care of animals and crops on the farm I grew up on. As soon as I could put boots
on, I was put to work!
■■ Childhood ambition: To be a psychologist.
■■ Best boss and why: I’ve been fortunate enough to have many wonderful bosses! One showed me
how to be calm when extreme crisis happens; one taught me to never put my authenticity on a
dimmer switch; one taught me how to be courageous even when you stand alone. The best bosses
teach life lessons that apply at work and beyond!
■■ Current source of inspiration: The people around me – my team, clients, peers, friends. I know
so many smart, talented people who tell it like it is and inspire me. I made an early decision that I
would never collect things, but I would always collect people, because they challenge you to think
differently and be better at what you do.
A ■■ How do you spend time away from work? I volunteer on the board of directors for The Stop
Community Food Centre (, and I’m also a member of the School of Retail
IN Management advisory board at Ryerson University. Outside work, I host dinner parties at home with
friends or go out to restaurants, art galleries or the theatre; I also enjoy walking around Toronto and
exploring its diverse, eclectic neighbourhoods. ■■ Best piece of advice: I had a VP of HR who always said that to manage your career well, you
need three things to happen. First, own your career path and deliver great results. Second, have a
champion who will speak well of you to others. Third, be open to chance – sometimes, it is simply
about being in the right place at the right time.
■■ Favourite music: Everything that my husband plays on his guitar in the evenings for me at home.
■■ Last book you read: The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations That Win,
by Dave and Wendy Ulrich and Marshall Goldsmith.