David Lahey, MBA, is president of Predictive Success Corporation. Predictive
Success leverages the Predictive Index (PI) to optimize organizational develop-ment.
For the past seven years, Predictive Success has partnered with the Human
Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) to provide their PI training, a re-quirement
of the HRPA Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP)
program. Predictive Success’ program has had a 100 per cent implementation rate
and they currently conduct over two million PI surveys each year. Read Lahey’s ar-ticle
about using data to acquire new talent as opposed to relying on gut feelings,
starting on page 33.
Sheryl Johnson is a partner in Fogler Rubinoff ’s Employment and Labour Law
Practice Area. She has over 15 years of experience practicing exclusively employment
and labour law. In her practice, Johnson provides strategic advice and perspective
on all facets of the employment relationship and labour relations in both provin-cially
and federally regulated industries. This includes recommending and assisting
in implementing effective measures to expediently manage and proactively address
workplace issues and business interests specifically tailored to her clients’ needs, as
well as conducting negotiations, wrongful dismissal litigation, enforcement of re-strictive
covenants and representation before administrative tribunals. In addition,
Johnson conducts workplace audits and investigations on behalf of employers and is
frequently called upon to provide workplace training. Read Johnson’s article about ac-commodating
caregiving requirements, starting on page 15.
Jason Geller is the national managing director for human capital consulting at
Deloitte Consulting LLP. He is responsible for overall strategy, financial perfor-mance
and operations, talent recruitment and development and delivery of human
capital consulting services across the U.S. He specializes in advising global organiza-tions
on the strategy, design and implementation of HR and talent transformations
and has helped devise many of Deloitte Consulting LLP’s methodologies and tools
related to HR transformation, technology, service delivery and outsourcing. Geller
believes that 2014 is the year that HR departments need to focus on developing an-alytical
skills to interpret data; read his article, starting on page 31.
Marie-Pierre Lalande is the head of human resources for the Montreal hub of
Sanofi Canada. She has extensive experience in all aspects of human resources
management, acquired over several years within the competitive and fast-paced
pharmaceutical and high-tech industries. In particular, she has contributed to the
strategic development and implementation of key HR initiatives and information
systems during numerous mergers and acquisitions.
Named to her current position in 2014, Lalande provides HR leadership for
Sanofi Canada’s pharmaceuticals business, its distribution centre and consumer
health unit, as well as for the animal health business Merial Canada located in Baie
d’Urfé. Read her article about involving employees in organizational change, start-ing
on page 41.