Dr. Debra Hughes is a partner with RHR International LLP in Toronto. Diverse experienc-es
gained from a 25-year career enable her to work with CEOs and senior leaders to ensure
they are developing the leadership behaviours that drive career and organizational success.
Dr. Hughes has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Waterloo. In the first
of a three-part series of leadership articles, she discusses how to best integrate new executives
into an organization to optimize their chances of success. Read the article, starting page 31.
Michael Donsky has been with Fogler Rubinoff since 1992. He practices in the firm’s employ-ment
litigation and brokerage liability groups. He has acted as lead counsel on matters before
the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Supreme Court
of Canada, as well as numerous administrative tribunals. Throughout the time he has been
working in employment law, he has regularly worked both sides of the fence: employer and em-ployee.
He has worked on employment standards, wrongful dismissal and human rights code
matters over that time. Read Donsky’s article for this issue’s Legal Words column on the topic
of new leaves of absence, starting on page 15.
Liz Wiseman is a researcher, executive advisor and speaker who teaches leaders around the
world. She is the author of Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game
of Work as well as the bestselling book Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone
Smarter and The Multiplier Effect: Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools. Wiseman is a for-mer
executive from Oracle Corporation. She has been listed on the Thinkers50 ranking and
named as one of the top 10 leadership thinkers in the world. Read her article about how em-ployees
in rookie situations can add value to an organization, starting on page 26.
Kim Shepherd joined Decision Toolbox, a 100 per cent virtual organization providing
recruitment solutions, in 2000 as CEO. Today, she leads the company’s growth strategy, pri-marily
through developing partnerships and alliances, and as an active member of the Los
Angeles and Orange County human resources community. As a recognized thought lead-er
by HR organizations across North America, Shepherd regularly speaks on topics such as
recruitment best practices, recruitment process outsourcing and the virtual business. She au-thored
The Bite Me School of Management, a book journaling her business journey and the
challenges she has overcome. In 2009, 2011 and 2012, Decision Toolbox was awarded the
Alfred P. Sloan Award for Business Excellence in workplace flexibility. To read Shepherd’s
article about how successfully implement workplace flexibility in your own organization,
turn to page 43.
In the September issue of HR Professional on the contributor’s page, Dave Lahey’s bio suggested that Predictive Success Corporation pro-vided
HRPA with predictive index (PI) training as a requirement of the CHRP designation. HRPA does not endorse any individual
psychometrics vendor, nor is PI training a requirement for the designation.