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Job Skills - Bridge to HR Online
Program Manager
Bridge to HR Online at Job Skills is am online bridging program for internationally-trained HR professionals
Bridge to HR Online is a new e-learning tool designed to help prepare you to work in Canada's HR industry! You can fast track your HR career through: online workshops featuring current HR practices & terminology, webinars with facilitator-led discussions, forums to network and share job opportunities, a personal work plan to track your progress and ongoing coaching and job search supports to find work placements/employment. The Program includes a continuous employer engagement process, a diverse Advisory Committee, and a curriculum that is driven by feedback from HR employers. The Program also features a “pilot paid internship component” to assist individuals to secure employment in their field or a related field. The paid internship costs will be shared between Employers and the Program. The program also offers mentoring with an experienced Human Resources professional. Register today!
16775 Yonge Street, Unit 212
L3Y 8J4
  • E-learning
  • Training & Organizational Development
  • Education / Training
  • Professional Coaching




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